The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., in conjunction with CareerSource Tampa Bay, is hosting a Career Fair for local Tampa Bay residents during our Grand Conclave. This career fair will take place at the Tampa Convention Center on Friday, June 28th from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time).

The types of services we will be present at this year's fair are the following:

Veteran Services

Provide support for veterans and assist with the transition from military to civilian jobs.

Workforce Innovation And Opportunity Act

Individualized Career Services provides one-on-one career coaching services tailored to the individual's unique employment needs. Services may include:

- Assessment of skill levels and interest profiles

Creation of an individualized career development plan

Resume assistance 

Labor market information

Interview coaching

Career Edge

Employee Training, Hiring Assistance, Job Postings, Summer Interns, Human Resources, Layoff Assistance for Employees

Career Pathways

Networking, Helping Professionals stay connected and achieve upward mobility.

Support Services

Networking, Helping Professionals stay connected and achieve upward mobility.

A complete list of Companies and Colleges/Universities will be provided close to the date.

This event is sponsored by the following entities.